Tuesday 20 August 2013

Chrome update introduces reset button

The latest version of Google Chrome lets you wipe and refresh the browser and includes better search suggestions in the "omnibox."

Your personal stew of settings changes, add-ons, and other customizations can sometimes weigh down your browser, which is why Google has introduced a reset button in the latest build of Chrome stable.
Chrome 29 (download for Windows, Mac, or Linux) also includes more of your personal information in its Omnibox search suggestions, while Chrome 29 for Android (download) gets rudimentary Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) support.
The Omnibox improvement adds your recently visited sites to its mix, "resulting in more timely and contextually relevant suggestions," according to Google's blog post about the release.
Chrome's browser reset is similar to one introduced in Firefox a few months ago. By clicking the "reset browser settings" button under advanced settings, you can wipe all personalizations except for themes, bookmarks, and apps.
In Chrome 29 for Android, the beginnings of mobile support for WebRTC take shape. WebRTC is the new protocol that lets browsers support real-time video, audio, and data transfers without a plug-in. Currently supported by Firefox and Chrome, the Chrome for Android update lacks the data transfer protocol so far. The Chrome update is expected to be pushed to Google Play soon and rolled out to users over the next few days.

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